[uwsgi] master = true socket = /var/run/%c.sock reuse-port = true master = true reload-os-env = true vaccuum = true logto = /usr/local/www/%c/uwsgi.log manage-script-name = true chdir = /usr/local/www/%c touch-reload = /usr/local/www/%c wsgi-file = wsgi.py # mount = /%c=%c/wsgi.py # static-map = /static=/usr/local/www/%c/static # static-map = /media=/usr/local/www/%c/media unenv = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE unenv = DJANGO_SETTINGS wsgi-env-behaviour = cheat print = we are using %c http = # set cheaper algorithm to use, if not set default will be used cheaper-algo = backlog cheaper-overload = 4 cheaper-idle = 1 cheaper-initial = 0