# vim-under-the-cursor Underlines all occurances of the word under the cursor and additionally displays the color under the cursor if it is written as a hex value. The alpha-channel (#rgba colors) is also supported and changes the brightness of colors. ![screenshot](/screenshot.png) ## Installation This should be sufficient: git clone https://git.entwicklerseite.de/vim-under-the-cursor \ ~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/vim-under-the-cursor Or as submodule: git submodule add https://git.entwicklerseite.de/vim-under-the-cursor \ ~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/vim-under-the-cursor Or download the zip file and extract it under `~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/`. ## Installation using plugin managers ### vim-plug Plug 'coderonline/vim-under-the-cursor' ### dein.vim call dein#add('coderonline/vim-under-the-cursor')