BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfixed: find-shell scriptMax Christian Pohle6 months
masterReplaced Tahoma font with standard Sans-SerifMax Christian Pohle3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-10-23fixed: find-shell scriptHEADmainMax Christian Pohle
2023-10-21Improved code folding, because tree-sitter broke itMax Christian Pohle
2023-10-20Final housekeeping roundMax Christian Pohle
2023-10-20Furter house keepingMax Christian Pohle
2023-10-20Added the branchvv alias to git.txtMax Christian Pohle
2023-10-20Merge Windows configMax Christian Pohle
2023-10-20Fixed LS integration and nvim init.lua housekeepingMax Christian Pohle
2023-02-26Reset background to darkMax Christian Pohle
2023-01-27minor improvementsMax Christian Pohle
2023-01-20qol improvementsMax Christian Pohle