# vim-fancy-line This statusline is kept minimalistic and easy to understand. Its main feature is, that it uses Vims highlight groups correctly and displays the status- and tab-bar after the definitions in the currently selected colorscheme. That means, that the highlight groups `StatusLine`, `StatusLineNC`, `StatusLineTerm` and `StatusLineTermNC` are considered. Otherwise the bars look similar to powerline, but that is no wonder, because the `` symbol is the only one, which used to be available in code page 437 and thus broadly compatible. ![screenshot](/screenshot.png) ## Installation This should be sufficient: git clone https://git.entwicklerseite.de/vim-fancy-line \ ~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/vim-fancy-line Or as submodule: git submodule add https://git.entwicklerseite.de/vim-fancy-line \ ~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/vim-fancy-line Or download the zip file and extract it under `~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/`. ## Installation using plugin managers ### vim-plug Plug 'coderonline/vim-fancy-line' ### dein.vim call dein#add('coderonline/vim-fancy-line') ## Design goals * Keep it simple