From 92f9cd82d1d5fcda96b0dc0ee78edb21f13e7743 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max Christian Pohle Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 03:33:23 +0200 Subject: Redid the changes I lost --- vimrc | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------- 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc index 4e56ac4..8050640 100644 --- a/vimrc +++ b/vimrc @@ -3,41 +3,30 @@ call plug#begin() " Brilliant_Plugins_by_tpope: ========================. Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible' | " a sane and modern default configuration Plug 'tpope/vim-surround' | " plugin makes cs"' inside a line replace " with ' -" Plug 'tpope/vim-vinegar' | " Improves :Explore +Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' | " the most complete GIT integration plugin +Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify' | " show changes in the clutter bar " Plug 'tpope/vim-characterize' | " normal mode: make ga show character names of Unicode chars (ga shows hex and dec values) -" Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' | " the most complete GIT integration plugin " Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat' | " lets . (dot) repeat plugin macros as well, specifically vim-surround + " Colorschemes: ======================================. Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim' | " map q :bpspbnbd. -" NETRW: =============================================. -" let g:netrw_list_hide = '\(^\|\s\s\)\zs\.\S\+' | " directly from the netrw-vim-docu (why isn't it default?) -let g:netrw_list_hide = '^\..*' | " Explore mode: hide files starting with dot -let g:netrw_hide = 1 | " show not-hidden files only -let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 | " 3=tree -let g:netrw_banner = 0 | " display help messages? -let g:netrw_winsize = 20 | " window size in percent -let g:netrw_fastbrowse = 2 | " manually refresh direcory list (avoids display errors) -let g:netrw_keepdir = 0 -let g:netrw_browse_split = 4 | " 4=open in previous window -let g:netrw_preview = 0 | " -let g:netrw_alto = 0 | " open files on the right -let g:netrw_altv = 1 | " open files on the right - -" let g:netrw_retmap = 1 -" let g:netrw_silent = 1 -" let g:netrw_special_syntax= 1 -" let g:netrw_preview = 0 -" let g:netrw_chgwin = 2 + +" NERDTree: ==========================================. +Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree' | " replace NetRW, which is kind of buggy +map :NERDTreeToggle +set winwidth=30 " keep NERDTreeWindow at least this size +set winminwidth=30 " (and all other windows, so TODO: watch out) + " AIRLINE: ===========================================. Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' | " beautification of the mode line let g:airline_detect_modified = 0 | let g:airline_detect_paste = 0 | let g:airline_exclude_preview = 1 | -let g:airline_extensions = ['tabline'] +let g:airline_extensions = ['tabline', 'branch', 'syntastic'] let g:airline#extensions#tabline#disable_refresh = 1 | let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 | let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':t:.' | " let airline just show the filename without its path @@ -51,18 +40,22 @@ let g:airline_inactive_collapse = 1 | let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 | let g:airline_section_c = '%F' + " AIRLINE_Theme: =====================================. Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' | " airline themes to match any light and dark terminal using :AirlineTheme let g:airline_theme='base16' | " specifies which colorscheme should airline uses " let g:airline_theme='papercolor' | " specifies which colorscheme should airline uses + " Additional: ========================================. Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' " better syntax highlighting/indentation for multiple languages Plug 'taglist-plus' " quick code navigator +let g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 nnoremap l :TlistToggle| " bind TagList to Hotkey Ctrl+L + " Autocompleter: =====================================. -Plug 'Valloric/MatchTagAlways' +Plug 'Valloric/MatchTagAlways' " highlights the closing tag/brace/... Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' let g:ycm_error_symbol = '✖' " insert this as an error symbol in the gutter bar let g:ycm_warning_symbol = '➔' " insert this as a warning symbol in the gutter bar @@ -71,6 +64,7 @@ let g:ycm_use_ultisnips_completer = 1 " Default 1, just ensure let g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax = 1 " Completion for programming language's keyword let g:ycm_complete_in_comments = 1 " Completion in comments let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1 " Completion in string + Plug 'scrooloose/syntastic' set statusline+=%#warningmsg# set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()} @@ -81,6 +75,7 @@ let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1 let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1 let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1 let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0 + Plug 'davidhalter/jedi-vim' " jedi gets used to display python function signatures let g:jedi#completions_enabled = 0 " we do not need completions, because we have YouCompleteMe let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 1 " which sadly does not support signatures like jedi @@ -91,6 +86,7 @@ let g:pymode_rope = 0 " " let g:pymode_options_max_line_length = 120 " let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args='--ignore=F821,E302,E501,E241,E301' + Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips' " replaces loremipsum (and many more) Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' " dependency of ultisnips " Trigger configuration. Do not use if you use @@ -104,11 +100,6 @@ let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical" " Disabled ===========================================. " Plug 'Shougo/neocomplete.vim' | " alternative to YouCompleteMe in some cases " Plug 'Shougo/vimproc.vim' | " dependency for other Shougo plugins -" Plug 'indenthtml.vim' | " works better with mixed html/css/javascript -" Plug 'evanmiller/nginx-vim-syntax' | " TODO: check if now included in syntastic? - -" autocmd Syntax * syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/ - call plug#end() | " all plugins are getting loaded on this line, don't remove! @@ -131,18 +122,13 @@ colorscheme base16-phd " Shortcut mods =======================================. inoremap "inoremap -" keep selection when indenting a selected block: -vnoremap < >gv -nnoremap :bn| " lets one use CTRL+Tab to switch between buffers -nnoremap :bp| " use CTRL+Shift+Tab to switch to previous buffers - - +vnoremap < >gv| " allows indenting a selected block and keeps selection +nnoremap :bn| " lets one use (CTRL+)Tab to switch between buffers +nnoremap :bp| " use (CTRL+)Shift+Tab to switch to previous buffers inoremap | " Bind CTRL+Backspace to vims version (CTRL+W) in insert mode - - " settings ============================================. " set shell=/bin/bash | " many scripts rely on bash, but its path varies why it is commented out here set noshowmode | " because we are using some powerline derivat @@ -158,7 +144,7 @@ set notimeout ttimeout | " improves performance but is known to cause pro set linebreak | " wrap long lines at char 'breakat', not inside words set nowrap | " but do not (by default) wrap long lines around set clipboard=unnamedplus | " makes copy and paste work (autoselectplus might work as well) -set nonumber | " turn line numbers off (improves performance) +set number | " turn line numbers on/off (performance decreases when they are shown) set nocursorline | " turn visual cursor line off (improves performance) set nocursorcolumn | " turn visual cursor column off (improves performance) set ttyscroll=100 | " improves speed for terminal vim @@ -172,9 +158,6 @@ set nostartofline | " when scrolling: do not move the cursor to colu set thesaurus+=/home/max/.vim/thesaurus/php.txt set hlsearch | " highlights all search matches (not as performant!) set textwidth=100 | " line length (80 used to be default, but...) - - - set splitbelow | " open new windows below the current one (i find that more intuitive) set laststatus=2 set norelativenumber @@ -242,7 +225,7 @@ if has("autocmd") augroup END augroup visual_mode_shows_unprintable " { - set list | " shows unprinable characters in the current line + set nolist | " shows unprinable characters in the current line " set cursorline | " use setcursorline in order to highlight non printable chars in the current line autocmd ColorScheme * highlight NonText ctermbg=0 gui=bold guifg=#061229 autocmd ColorScheme * highlight CursorLineNr term=bold ctermfg=Yellow gui=bold guifg=Yellow @@ -302,3 +285,16 @@ endif " let g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers = 0 " let g:miniBufExplSplitToEdge = 1 " let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 20 " column width in chars +" NETRW: =============================================. +" Plug 'tpope/vim-vinegar' | " Improves :Explore +" let g:netrw_list_hide = '^\..*' | " Explore mode: hide files starting with dot +" let g:netrw_hide = 1 | " show not-hidden files only +" let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 | " 3=tree +" let g:netrw_banner = 0 | " display help messages? +" let g:netrw_winsize = 20 | " window size in percent +" let g:netrw_fastbrowse = 2 | " manually refresh direcory list (avoids display errors) +" let g:netrw_keepdir = 0 +" let g:netrw_browse_split = 4 | " 4=open in previous window +" let g:netrw_preview = 0 | " +" let g:netrw_alto = 0 | " open files on the right +" let g:netrw_altv = 1 | " open files on the right -- cgit v1.2.3