leader key = usually set to backslash expects a quick command [normal mode] f{char} = move cursor to the character {char} gf = open file under cursor gf = open file under cursor in a tab ] = jump to the tag under the cursor in a new window = jump back from where that ^ brought you [visual mode] # with selected lines gq = formats text so that it fits in whatever :set textwidth was set iB = select block between curly braces (:help object-select) [commands] :spell [word] = adds a word to the current dictionary (no mistake any more) :set list = display non printable characters :retab = replaces tabs with spaces :set expandtab = in insert mode: replace tab with spaces :Explore = cli version open file dialog [navigation] = look up the tag under the cursor (help links as well) = return back from tag under the cursor gd = jump to the declaration of the variable under the cursor [macros] # record and play back a series of vim commands qa = start (q) macro recording in register a (can be anything) q = stop macro recording @a = replay macro a :'<,'>normal @a = apply a to every line in the current selection [marker] ma = set marker a-z (a in this case) 'a = go to marker a [hotkeys] , = increment, decrement number under the cursor [windows] v = splits buffer vertically (screen uses |) s = splits buffer horizontally (same as screen) w = moves the cursor to the next window and back [dir] = moves the cursor in that direction (use hjkl or arrow keys) [vimdiff] do = get changes from other window into the current dp = put changes from current window into the other ]c = jump to the next change [c = jump to the prevous change zR = opens all folds (unfold all) [vim modeline] the last line can be a mode line, which holds settings like tab width: [buffers] :bn = buffer next :bp = buffer previous :bd = buffer dispatch (close) [special] g CTRL-g = display file properties including word and char count CTRL-X CTRL-F = display file name completions using (vim-internal) omnicomplete # vim: noai:ts=2:sw=2 filetype=dosini