From c2a13ef3f498d90fb9f46b830e14c31156635676 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max Christian Pohle Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 17:00:35 +0200 Subject: moved repository up again this repo shell be used for vim exclusively --- colors/coderonline.vim | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 180 insertions(+) create mode 100644 colors/coderonline.vim (limited to 'colors/coderonline.vim') diff --git a/colors/coderonline.vim b/colors/coderonline.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f842b28 --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/coderonline.vim @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +" color theme for vim +" Maintainer: Max Christian Pohle +" Last Change: 07.09.2015 +" Web: + +set background=dark +hi clear +if exists("syntax_on") + syntax reset +endif +let g:colors_name="coderonline" + + +"set guifont=Andale\ Mono\ 12 +set guifont=Liberation\ Mono\ Normal\ 11 +"set guifont=Meslo\ LG\ S\ DZ\ for\ Powerline\ 14 +"set guifont=Monospace\ 11 +"set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 11 +"set guifont=Liberation\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11 +"set guifont=Envy\ Code\ R\ 11 + +set number +set hls + +highlight Menu gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight Scrollbar gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight Tooltip gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=yellow ctermbg=yellow guifg=black ctermfg=black + +highlight Normal gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight! link NonText Normal + +highlight Statement gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=#0000ff ctermfg=21 +highlight! link Boolean Statement +highlight! link Identifier Statement + +highlight Type gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=DarkBlue ctermfg=darkblue + +highlight Constant gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=brown ctermfg=brown +highlight! link String Constant +highlight! link Number Constant + +highlight Comment gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=DarkGreen ctermfg=DarkGreen +highlight! link PreProc Comment + +highlight StatusLine gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold guibg=lightgray ctermbg=lightgray guifg=darkgray ctermfg=darkgrey +highlight! link StatusLineNC StatusLine + +highlight LineNr gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=lightgray ctermbg=lightgray guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight CursorLine gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=lightgray ctermbg=lightgray +" highlight! link CursorLine LineNr +" highlight! link CursorColumn LineNr +" highlight! link ColorColumn LineNr + +" Cursor the character under the cursor +highlight Cursor gui=inverse cterm=inverse term=inverse guibg=lightgray ctermbg=lightgray guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight iCursor gui=underline cterm=underline term=underline +highlight! link CursorLineNr Cursor +highlight! link CursorIM Cursor +highlight! link Visual Cursor +highlight! link VirualNOS Cursor +" highlight! link MatchParen LineNr +highlight MatchParen guibg=yellow ctermbg=yellow + +" WildMenu current match in 'wildmenu' completion +" Pmenu Popup menu: normal item. +" PmenuSel Popup menu: selected item. +" PmenuSbar Popup menu: scrollbar. +" PmenuThumb Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar. +highlight! link WildMenu Todo +highlight! link Popup LineNr +highlight! link PMenu Popup +highlight! link PMenuSel CursorLineNr +highlight! link PMenuSbar CursorLineNr +highlight! link PMenuThumb CursorLineNr + + +" Windows +highlight Title gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold guibg=lightgray ctermbg=lightgray guifg=darkgray ctermfg=darkgray +highlight! link VertSplit Title +highlight! link StatusLine Title +highlight! link StatusLineNC Title +highlight! link TabLine Title +highlight! link TabLineFill TabLine +highlight! link TabLineSel TabLine +highlight TabLineSel gui=inverse cterm=inverse term=inverse + +highlight cParen gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=orange ctermfg=brown +highlight cBlock gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=cyan guifg=orange ctermfg=brown +highlight vimParenSep gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=orange ctermfg=brown + +highlight Special gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=black ctermfg=178 +highlight! link SpecialKey Special + +highlight Todo gui=none cterm=none term=none guibg=yellow ctermbg=yellow guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight! link ModeMsg Todo +highlight! link MoreMsg Todo +highlight! link ErrorMsg Todo +highlight! link Conceal Todo +highlight! link Directory Todo + +highlight Question gui=bold cterm=bold term=bold guibg=white ctermbg=white guifg=black ctermfg=black +highlight! link WarningMsg Question + +highlight SpellBad gui=underline cterm=underline term=underline ctermbg=white +highlight! link SpellCap SpellBad +highlight! link SpellLocal Todo +highlight! link SpellRare Todo +" *hl-Conceal* +" *hl-DiffAdd* +" DiffAdd diff mode: Added line |diff.txt| +" *hl-DiffChange* +" DiffChange diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt| +" *hl-DiffDelete* +" DiffDelete diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt| +" *hl-DiffText* +" DiffText diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt| +" *hl-ErrorMsg* +" Folded line used for closed folds +" *hl-FoldColumn* +" FoldColumn 'foldcolumn' +" *hl-SignColumn* +" SignColumn column where |signs| are displayed +" *hl-IncSearch* +" IncSearch 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with +" ":s///c" +" *hl-LineNr* +" MatchParen The character under the cursor or just before it, if it +" is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt| +" +" *hl-ModeMsg* +" *hl-NonText* +" *hl-Search* +" Search Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). +" Also used for highlighting the current line in the quickfix +" window and similar items that need to stand out. +" *hl-SpecialKey* +" to show unprintable characters in the text, 'listchars'. +" Generally: text that is displayed differently from what it +" really is. +" *hl-SpellBad* + + +" ====================== Important bits ====================== +"exe 'hi Normal guifg='.s:white .' guibg='.s:darkgrey +"exe 'hi String guifg='.s:green .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=bold' +"exe 'hi Function guifg='.s:violet .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi Operator guifg='.s:light_orange .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi Type guifg='.s:yellow .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=bold' +"exe 'hi Number guifg='.s:orange .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi Constant guifg='.s:red .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi Macro guifg='.s:magenta .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi PreProc guifg='.s:grey_blue .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi Keyword guifg='.s:light_orange .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=none' +"exe 'hi Comment guifg='.s:white .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=italic' +"exe 'hi TODO guifg='.s:grey_blue .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=italic,bold' +" Lay out our palette +let s:grey_blue = '#8a9597' +let s:light_grey_blue = '#a0a8b0' +let s:dark_grey_blue = '#34383c' +let s:mid_grey_blue = '#64686c' +let s:beige = '#ceb67f' +let s:light_orange = '#ebc471' +let s:yellow = '#e3d796' +let s:violet = '#a982c8' +let s:magenta = '#a933ac' +let s:green = '#e0a96f' +let s:lightgreen = '#c2c98f' +let s:red = '#d08356' +let s:cyan = '#74dad9' +let s:darkgrey = '#1a1a1a' +let s:grey = '#303030' +let s:lightgrey = '#605958' +let s:white = '#fffedc' +let s:orange = '#d08356' + +" ~~~ These are specific to color_coded ~~~ +exe 'hi Member guifg=#0000aa gui=italic' +exe 'hi Variable guifg=#8800aa gui=none' +exe 'hi Namespace guifg=#aa0000 gui=none' +exe 'hi EnumConstant guifg=#00aaaa gui=none' -- cgit v1.2.3