# Welcome to Vimax! # # You have just executed this script if [[ ! $EDITOR =~ ^n?g?vim?$ ]]; then echo Your EDITOR environment variable is set to \"$EDITOR\" echo This script requires it to be some kind of vim or nvim, gvim, vi, ... echo echo Please run this script with EDITOR=vim sh install.sh echo Which will set the EDITOR just temporary for running this script. exit fi cd $(dirname "$0") echo "working in $(pwd)" mkdir -p autoload ln -i -s -b vimrc-full vimrc $EDITOR -u NORC -N \ +runtime plugin/netrwPlugin.vim \ +'new +saveas!\ autoload/plug.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim' \ +'new +saveas!\ vimrc-full http://git.entwicklerseite.de/vim/plain/vimrc-full' \ +qall $EDITOR -u vimrc-full -N \ +'PlugInstall --sync' \ +qall $EDITOR $0