git clone ~/.config/nvim/
ln -s ~/.config/nvim ~/.vim
:: my every day neovim config. It sources my vimrc (see below)init-mini.lua
:: if you want to start from scratch this is a good start. It sets up nvim with a language server to support the creation of a new config.vimrc
:: commented version of a vimrc with sane defaultsgvimrc
:: configures the gui of gvim and sources the vimrc
├── after
│ ├── ftdetect
│ │ └── log.vim
│ ├── ftplugin
│ │ └── python.vim
│ ├── indent
│ │ ├── html5.vim
│ │ ├── php.vim
│ │ └── yaml.vim
│ └── syntax
│ ├── c.vim
│ ├── log.vim
│ └── markdown.vim
├── gvimrc
├── init-mini.lua
├── init.lua
└── vimrc
Cheat sheet
For different working scenarios.
to expand autocompletion on the:
command line. That works for example for:setfiletype <C-d>
to show all available filetypes.use
in visual mode to break selected text at the current textwidth (configured withset textwidth=80
for example)
:viusage = summary of all keyboard shortcuts
:options = shows currently :set options (with descriptions)
leader key = usually set to backslash expects a quick command
normal mode
f{char} = move cursor to the character {char}
gf = open file under cursor
<C-w>gf = open file under cursor in a tab
<C-w>] = jump to the tag under the cursor in a new window
<C-t> = jump back from where that ^ brought you
K = keyword lookup for the word under the cursor (see :help kp)
w = next word
e = end of word (=inner word)
@see: :h text-objects
ci' = change between single quote
ci" = change between double quote
ci( = change between brace
cit = change XML Tag
ciw = select inner word
caw = select 'a word'
" where c can be replaced by v for visual mode
:%s/foo/bar/g = replace all foo with bar
:g/foo/s/bar//g = on lines with foo replace bar with nothing
:g!/foo/s/bar//g = on lines not containing foo replace bar with nothing
:g!/^foo/execute("normal dd") delete lines starting with foo
flags, end: after the last /
g = replace globally (all occurances on the current line)
c = confirm each replace, also allows to switch to g (use the flag to see the help message)
e = places the cursor in the end of the selection
flags, within the search string:
\v = use very magic search (more like perl)
\V = use no very magic, more like searching verbatim
\zs .. \ze = mark begin and end of a sub pattern (like perl lookaround assertions)
visual mode (with selected lines)
gq = formats text so that it fits in whatever :set textwidth was set
iB = select block between curly braces (:help object-select)
command line mode
command line mode begins with : and has its own key mappings starting with c like in cnormap
:spell [word] = adds a word to the current dictionary (no mistake any more)
:set list = display non printable characters
:retab = replaces tabs with spaces
:set expandtab = in insert mode: replace tab with spaces
:Explore = cli version open file dialog (file explorer)
:Lex = use netrw as project drawer (stays open in its own window)
:only = 'maximize' current buffer
insert mode
<c-r><c-w> = auto completion with the word under the cursor (interesting with incsearch)
<c-a> = expand pattern from command line (e.g. *.txt)
<CTRL-]> = look up the tag under the cursor (help links as well)
<CTRL-T> = return back from tag under the cursor
gd = jump to the declaration of the variable under the cursor
record and play back a series of vim commands
qa = start (q) macro recording in register a (can be anything)
q = stop macro recording
@a = replay macro a
:'<,'>normal @a = apply a to every line in the current selection
:reg = lists all registers (including those with macros in them)
notice, that registers get used for both: macro recordings and copying text
:reg = shows contents of all registers
"0p = pasts from register 0, which is the same as "", but not overwritten by dd
"ap = same for register a
"0yy = yanks to register 0 (same as y by itself)
"ay = yanks current selection to register a (in visual mode)
ma = set marker a-z (a in this case)
mA = create a session persistent file marker which can be used to reopen a file (not bound to the buffer)
`a = go to marker a (line & column)
'a = go to marker a (line, first non blank), same as `a^
other hotkeys
<C-A>, <C-X> = increment, decrement number under the cursor
<C-w>v = splits buffer vertically (screen uses |)
<C-w>s = splits buffer horizontally (same as screen)
<C-w>w = moves the cursor to the next window and back
<C-w>[dir] = moves the cursor in that direction (use hjkl or arrow keys)
<C-w>[HK] = make a vertical split horizontal and vice versa
<C-w>o = only: close all other windows
<C-w>c = close: current window in which the cursor sits
do = get changes from other window into the current
dp = put changes from current window into the other
]c = jump to the next change
[c = jump to the prevous change
za = toggle a fold
zM = close all folds
zR = opens all folds (unfold all)
zE = eliminates all folds
:bn = buffer next
:bp = buffer previous
:bd = buffer dispatch (close)
:b <tab> = switch buffer by name (use <tab> and <return>)
:set nobuflisted = hide buffer in buffer list (great for neovim's terminal)
:n **/*.c = opens all files with that name or type in buffers and also fills the argument list
g CTRL-g = display file properties including word and char count
q: = show command history and use it like a normal buffer
z= = show spellcheck suggestions
CTRL-O = display completions: omnicomplete (context dependant completions)
CTRL-X CTRL-F = display completions: file name (using vim-internals omnicomplete)
CTRL-N CTRL-P = display completions: file keywords
CTRL-K = display completions: dictionary
CTRL-T = display completions: thesaurus
CTRL-I = display completions: include files
CTRL-] = display completions: tags
CTRL-D = display completions: (marcro-) definitions
CTRL-V = display completions: vim command line
CTRL-U = display completions: user-defined
gv = visual mode: reselect last selection
CTRL-o = lets the caret jump back to the previous location
CTRL-l = redraws the complete screen
CTRL-R<register> = in insert mode and command line: paste contents of <register> (e.g. : for last command, * for clipboard)
CTRL-R = in normal mode: redoes what has been undone with u
"<register>p = in normal mode: paste paste contents of <register>
"/ = last search expression
": = last command entered
"= = expression register (to do calculations or call vim functions)
:Lex = open the netrw-view as project drawer
gn = makes the directory under the cursor the root directory
a = toggles display of hidden files
viB:sort = sort inner block by name
vim commands
:for i in range(1,12) | put ='2016-'.i | endfor
:profile! start /tmp/profile.log
:profile func *
:profile file *
" At this point do slow actions
:profdel *
:e /tmp/profile.log
" add a break point to a vim script (like vimrc) to invoke the internal debugger
:breakadd here
:finish = from within a viml-script: stop sourcing it
delete all comments: %s/\/\*\*< [^(\*\/)]*\*\///g
remove empty lines: global/^$/d
remove non-empty lines: v/^$/d
gpm - cut and paste helper for the linux console (to get text from CTRL-ALT-F2 to CTRL-ALT-F3)
vim modeline
filetype can have multiple values, like python.django
The last line can be a mode line, which holds settings like tab width:
undo last commit: git reset HEAD~
diff two branches: git diff branch1 branch2 path/to/file
To ~/.gitconfig
branchvv = for-each-ref –sort=‘committerdate:raw’ –format=‘%(HEAD)%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)%(color:bold green)%(end) %(align:width=24)%(refname:short)%(end) %(objectname:short) %(color:bold blue)%(committerdate:iso)%(color:reset) %(if)%(upstream)%(then)[%(color:blue)%(upstream:short)%(color:reset)] %(end)%(subject)’ refs/heads
Provides you with git branchvv
, a command that works similar to git branch
but sorts the branches by modification date and displays them.
gnu screen
To run Vim in a gnu screen session:
TERM=vte-256color screen vim
But if you are using another terminal there may be further options with even more capabilities. Starting point for you search could be something like:
find /usr/share/terminfo/ | grep screen | grep 256
Change the default brackground of applications if you see an ugly grey border around your beatiful theme:
/* to be saved as ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
* thanks to */
@define-color YOUR_BACKGROUND_COLOR #rrggbb;
window#vim-main-window {
background-color: @YOUR_BACKGROUND_COLOR;