

How to:

  1. rsync is required and used internally with --delete to get rid of already deleted files (with zfs we have snapshots)
  2. systemd-automount should be working for the device to back up (=fstab)
  3. A zfs dataset will be searched with the name of the partition. If it is there it will be used for the backup.
  4. if the partion is encrypted an entry in the crypttab will automatically be found by automount.
  5. have fun.


# /etc/crypttab example
SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part2           /dev/disk/by-id/SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part2               /etc/.crypt/SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part2.key       noauto,x-systemd.device-timeout=5s


# /etc/fstab example

# Note that the connector name has been removed from the mountpoint.
# The automount unit will be named after that and so must the zfs dataset
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part1    /media/SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part1    auto     defaults,noauto,ro,x-systemd.automount,x-mount.mkdir,x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min,x-systemd.device-timeout=5s    0 0

# The following name takes the name we gave our disk in the crypttab (first column).
# Such devices are then available via /dev/mapper/:
/dev/mapper/SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part2            /media/SomeDisk_SDSSDH0000G_123456789-part2    auto     defaults,noauto,ro,x-systemd.automount,x-mount.mkdir,x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min,x-systemd.device-timeout=5s    0 0