path: root/vimrc
diff options
authorMax Christian Pohle2022-12-18 20:29:55 +0100
committerMax Christian Pohle2022-12-18 20:56:01 +0100
commit07797b39851da045aa1bfd0289de0858a1377c48 (patch)
tree4ca5d2b26d2ca9d01fc052fce5a26f88364a53d0 /vimrc
parent1086af63639d2a108f39ae077e0e201dddf4f523 (diff)
Switched to nvim and neovide
Diffstat (limited to 'vimrc')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc
index f17d507..a76471b 100644
--- a/vimrc
+++ b/vimrc
@@ -1,29 +1,37 @@
1exec ':source '.fnamemodify($MYVIMRC,':h').'/'.'vimrc-common' 1exec ':source '.fnamemodify($MYVIMRC,':h').'/'.'vimrc-common'
2set packpath+=pack/vim 2set packpath+=pack/submodules
3 3
4set ttymouse=xterm2
5set term=xterm-256color " usually a good choice, install ncurses and use `toe` to see all available choices
6set ttybuiltin | " use internal termcaps, because these are more stable
7set ttyscroll=100 | " improves speed for terminal vim, incompatible with nvim
8set ttyfast | " improves speed for terminal vim (incompatible with nvim)
9set restorescreen | " restores the console after exiting vim (intentionally not in nvim)
11" because file names rarely have equal signs, but many different configuration
12" file formats use that, we want to exclude the sign from the pattern
13set isfname-== 4set isfname-==
5set modeline
14 6
15" autocmd VimLeave * call system("echo -n $'" . escape(getreg(), "'") . "' | xsel -ib") 7set signcolumn=yes
16" autocmd VimLeave * call system("xsel -ib", getreg('+')) 8set foldcolumn=1
17autocmd VimLeave * call system('echo ' . shellescape(getreg('+')) . ' | xclip -selection clipboard')
18 9
19 10
20" scripts from the default vim installation, which do not get loaded by default, but are useful. 11if ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE ==# 'wayland' || ! empty($WAYLAND_DISPLAY))
21if filereadable($VIMRUNTIME.'/macros/editexisting.vim') 12 autocmd TextYankPost * call system("wl-copy", get(v:event, 'regcontents'))
22 packadd! editexisting 13 nnoremap p :silent put =system('wl-paste')<CR>
14 nnoremap P :silent put! =system('wl-paste')<CR>
23endif 15endif
24 16
25" load default plugin 'matchit' to allow % to jump between tags 17
26if filereadable($VIMRUNTIME.'/macros/matchit.vim') 18set shadafile="/tmp/shada"
27 packadd! matchit 19
28endif 20" neovide specific
29"======================================================================================================================= 21set guifont=monospace:h11:b
22" :#e-subpixelantialias:#h-full
23let g:neovide_cursor_animation_length=0.03
24let g:neovide_cursor_trail_size=0.8
25let g:neovide_scroll_animation_length = 0.05
26let g:neovide_transparency = 0.9
28" scripts from the default vim installation, which do not get loaded by default, but are useful.
29" if filereadable($VIMRUNTIME.'/macros/editexisting.vim')
30" packadd! editexisting
31" endif
33" " load default plugin 'matchit' to allow % to jump between tags
34" if filereadable($VIMRUNTIME.'/macros/matchit.vim')
35" packadd! matchit
36" endif