path: root/after/syntax/c.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'after/syntax/c.vim')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/after/syntax/c.vim b/after/syntax/c.vim
index ca694a2..0fa1fda 100644
--- a/after/syntax/c.vim
+++ b/after/syntax/c.vim
@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ set foldmethod=syntax
6" syn clear cStructure 6" syn clear cStructure
7" highlight! link defines Special 7" highlight! link defines Special
8syntax match Define "\<[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\>" 8syntax match Define "\<[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\>"
9syntax match Todo "\/\/ @[A-Z]*\:.*$" 9" syntax match Todo "\/\/ @[A-Z]*\:.*$"
10syntax keyword Todo TODO contained
11syntax match Comment "//.*" contains=Todo
10 13
11" clear default group for a cBlock so we can redefine it without the fold option 14" clear default group for a cBlock so we can redefine it without the fold option
12syn clear cBlock 15syn clear cBlock
13syn region cBlock start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent 16syn region cBlock start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent
14 17
15" multiple single line comments in a row 18" multiple single line comments in a row
16syn match cComment /\v\/\/.*(\_.\/\/.*)+/ fold 19syn match cComment /\v\/\/.*(\_.\/\/.*)+/ fold